Thursday, September 3, 2020

Entrepreneurship Skills for Engineers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business enterprise Skills for Engineers - Essay Example Learning-based model limits time through a learning circle. The expectation of the talk to specialists and pioneers is to protect assets and make best employments of them while making revelations. Strategy or business case fills in as an official rundown of the profoundly nitty gritty field-tested strategy. It gets a business person out of the structure and tests the idea of the market. A definite business case imagines benefits over a sensible period that exceeds expenses and dangers. The powerless business case doesn't legitimize pushing ahead with a thorough marketable strategy. It renders it trying to gauge the arrival on speculation. Commercializing a thought includes building, estimating, and learning. The structure is transforming thoughts into items. Estimating relates to customers’ reaction to the items produced. Learning brings about the choice made on whether to rotate or drive forward. Advancement crosses innovation and market bits of knowledge. Basically, it is the way toward changing thoughts into items while showcase knowledge is recognizing customers’ needs in the market. Development may likewise include enhancements for a concocted item to improve acknowledgment in the market. The moderator plots different strides to the nail it at that point scales its procedure. There are five particular stages. Initially, nail the agony. Second, nail the arrangement. The third stage includes nailing the go-to-advertise system. The fourth stage includes nailing the plan of action. The fifth stage is proportional it. Nailing the agony is distinguishing the issue and the potential arrangements. Nailing the arrangement is choosing the best answer for the issue. Nailing the go-to-showcase methodology includes advertising of the thought or item and assessing the view of possible clients. The plan of action has a few areas that require a location. It closes toward the consummation of the field-tested strategy. Scaling the business involves knowing the possible contenders and deciding the size of the business. Plan of action canvas has nineâ key components that a business must have.â

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Why gun control is worse in the US than other countries free essay sample

America has gotten better known for Its gigantic measures of gun savagery, including murder, self destruction, and mass shootings. In 2011 there were 467,321 individuals casualty to violations submitted with guns. A normal of 30,000 individuals are killed by firearms every year, and in excess of 30 individuals for each day are killed, alongside the 268 individuals shot for each day. Half of these passings are individuals ages running from 1 8 to 35, and a third are ages 20 and underneath; making crime the subsequent driving reason for death inside the ages 15 to 24. In any case, I accept that the thinking behind these measurements Is the simple access to weapons just as how the media shows the savagery to be a shared trait. Weapons can be bought in an assortment of areas, for example, Wallmart, K-Mart, or even online closeout locales; which make it easy to acquire a gun for any justification. This sort of simple access builds up an absence of control all through the United States corresponding to firearms. We will compose a custom article test on Why firearm control is more terrible in the US than different nations or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page There are 283 million weapons in regular citizen hands which enormously exceeds the 897,000 firearms controlled by police. These guns are procured sold. Alongside this huge measure of guns being sold, there Is not a sufficient individual verification to assess the purchaser. On the off chance that weapons are purchased through private deals, the customer isn't required to pass a personal investigation, this incorporates lawbreakers, criminals and individuals with mental disarranges. Not exclusively is there simple access of firearms to grown-ups, there is additionally an outrageous availability given to kids. There are weapons explicitly made for kids, with the goal that its simpler for them to utilize. There was an Incident In May of 2013 where a multi year old kid shot and murdered his multi year old ister In Kentucky utilizing a rifle he had found In their family room. This rifle was the young men first rifle purchased for him by his folks; which was a gun especially intended for kids. While most of juvenile shootings are incidental, each weapon in the hands of a kid should initially go through the hands of a grown-up. (l) The confinement of guns to kids and absence of assurance is incredibly deficient prove by the law that pronounces just 9 states In America to utilize trigger locks, which are also called a weapon security since they make a gun progressively hard to fire ithout fixing the trigger lock. In this way, If the openness of guns Is basically missing with regards to kids, there ought to be some approach to teach them so as to forestall inadvertent shootings submitted by teenagers. Legitimately following the deplorability of September 1 lth, Wallmarts firearm deals expanded by 70%. This is expected to some degree by the entrance to guns yet more by the frenzy spiraling all through America, which Is additionally incited by media inclusion. In any event, during times of diminished wrongdoing, the broadcast reportage Increased by 600%, prompting an Increase of dread. The media gives an impression of an expanding crime percentage, alongside the possibility that wrongdoing is progressively normal that it genuinely is. They likewise suggest that the most widely recognized casualties of firearm brutality are older, ladies and white individuals. Notwithstanding, while the media conveys a TearTul Image 0T killers ana vlctlms, tney depict tne pollce to De more powerful than they are; barring any analysis toward them because of the way that 90% of media secured wrongdoing is fathomed. (2) Along with the commendation given to police, the media is extraordinarily centered around the United States military which respects individuals who have experienced substantial battle and seriously rough circumstances. While viewing the news, little youngsters and young ladies see somebody on TV that they need to be, which drives them to play with counterfeit weapons and participate in fake battle games. Despite the fact that they would play with sham weapons, it makes a genuine recreation which they become acclimated with and as they get more established they dont understand the seriousness of these guns. At that point, when they come into contact with a genuine firearm at a youthful age they dont comprehend the onsequences that follow with the utilization of a weapon. Indeed, even with the generous measure of firearm brutality, the media figures out how to overstate it in the United States.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Meaning of Life and Adult free essay sample

Like a great many people, I had the inclination to grow up rapidly. Regardless of the consistent â€Å"they grow up so fast† from family members, it was not quick enough for me. I used to state, â€Å"I can’t hold up until I develop up,† generally when I was disappointed with my mom’s exacting standards. I fantasized about carrying on with an opulent life, strolling under the warm sun wearing creator conceals with my athletic sweetheart before halting at a café and drinking costly wines without my mother pestering me. My dream would suddenly end when my mother broke my musings by advising me that time was slipping away and I had not yet begun my schoolwork. Moan. Through my own experiencesâ€wearing inordinate cosmetics to cause myself to seem more seasoned and dating more established folks and edification, my perspectives on being a grown-up have changed. Adulthood is something that will happen whether we are prepared or not. School is a major jump that powers individuals into that progress from youth to the start of grown-up life, particularly on the off chance that you will be living nearby. We will compose a custom article test on Which means of Life and Adult or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In school, I should cook and clean and care for myself. I will no longer have my mother advising me to stay away from specific individuals, not to dawdle and to settle on the correct choices. Nonetheless, I will have the option to keep the exhortation my mother has imparted in me up until this point, in any event, when we are separated, in spite of the fact that it might be difficult to do as such with the celebrating and liquor and worry of school. Legitimately, being a grown-up could mean being 18, yet it is highly unlikely that minute that recognizes somebody from being 17 on one day and 18 the following can decide their adulthood. Being a grown-up comes progressively as individuals take obligations regarding their activities, deal with needs and post for themselves with constrained help of others. Adulthood isn't dictated by age or capacity to manage youngsters or being genuinely evolved. I know individuals more seasoned than 18 who have not yet acquired these characteristics and I’ve seen numerous youngster mothers reliant on their folks to help the child. I will be a grown-up when I am ready to settle on the correct choices dictated by my ethics that I have obtained over my years, when I comprehend the repercussions of my activities, when I am independent or acknowledge constrained assistance from guardians or companions, and when I care for myself as well as others. The closer I get the more startled I become. Presently I’m in no hurry to turn into a grown-up. I will exploit my mom’s direction and lodging and rules for as long as Possible. I will appreciate the second I am in and grasp my life when I am a grown-up. What does make you an adult? Is it moving out of the house? Hitting a particular age? Having a relationship? Finding a new line of work? How could it be that we can do those things, that we consider to be â€Å"adult†, however we despite everything feel like children? Or on the other hand that we feel like adults, were absolutely mature enough, however we havent appeared to have achieved any of those things â€Å"grown-ups† have done? For me being a grown-up is an arrangement of different highlights and segments and is pretty much an individual accomplishment. There is no definite example of turning into a grown-up as everyone has their own particular manner of progress. However, you generally need to make that initial step that draws the start of your self-improving. There are various capacities I trust you need to acomplish so as to try and draw nearer to being a grown-up. The capacity of settling on sensible choices for yourself and individuals around you, having the option to assume liability for your activities, ready to take advantage of what you have and attempt to develop yourself in any conceivable manner. Turning into a grown-up is an excursion everybody should make at a specific second so as to turn into the most they can be, to develop as an individual †mentaly and profoundly. Numerous individuals discover it rather troublesome and they [continues] There is no unmistakable determinant for deciding when an individual turns into a grown-up, Some state it’s when you turn eighteen others state it’s when you get your drivers permit. One thing is without a doubt however to turn into a grown-up you should be adult and prepared to take on the world. Being a grown-up implies accomplishing a different personality, having the option to help your self as well as your family monetarily, and having the option to give yourself a house or a spot to call home. Adulthood comprises of a wide range of viewpoints, and isn't a simple piece of life. To turn into a grown-up you should accomplish a different personality. Erik Erickson an Austrian clinician characterized way of life as â€Å"a feeling of self part from one’s family. † This way to be a grown-up you should get free with the goal that you will be given the chance to learn and assume liability for your own lives. Youthful grown-ups need to know what their identity is so as to act naturally needy, they likewise need to know their qualities and shortcomings, and the qualities they consider to be critical to them. Individuals never appear to very comprehend the importance of being a â€Å"adult†. I myself don't know of its full significance. It has consistently appeared to me that age is immaterial. You can be 12 and comprehend things better than a 30-year-old or you can be 40, have two PhD’s and still marvel if pigeons are transitory feathered creatures. Numerous individuals my age imagine that escaping their parents’ house is a demonstration of development yet how does changing your circumstance demonstrate that you are a â€Å"adult†? On the off chance that they flee from home it is bound to lose themselves attempting to adapt alone and underprepared with the challenges throughout everyday life. To turn into a grown-up you should accomplish a different personality. Still everybody sees the world and each idea in it through their own awareness.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Order Leadership Power And Moral Consequences - Free Essay Example

Order, leadership, power, and moral consequences. These are some concepts needed in society to maintain civilization. Lord of the Flies by William Golding explores these ideological struggles between two main characters: Ralph and Jack. With different perspectives about how one should rule, they both challenge each other from the start. The novel begins with a plane crash in the middle of an unknown island where a group of young English boys are stranded without any adults, and are thus tested on survival and morality. Ralph, our protagonist, steps up right away after being elected leader. He is portrayed as a democratic character that is quick to enforce rules, manage, and provide assistance to the group. He is the primary representative of civilization, order and authoritative leadership from the traditional school structures. Jack is Ralphs antagonist who represents the savagery and dictatorship that a tyrannical would have. His selfish desire is to gain power and control over the group. Jack never thinks of the moral consequences to the island, leading him to a dominant nature. He believes a leader should be obeyed given any order. By the end of the novel, he develops exactly into that leader. Although Jacks use of coercive power is accepted when the boys descend into their animalistic behavior, only Ralphs referent power can be truly accepted as legitimate by civilization and society. In the beginning of Lord of the Flies, we are introduced to the powerful conch which is the most important symbol from the novel and the first discovery. Although Ralph finds it, Piggy comes up with the plan to blow on it to find the others on the island (Golding 8). Piggys action shows his expert power; however, Ralphs tool of referent power takes over and because of the conch Ralph is elected as the leader of the group, As Ralph is described it ts pointed that [M]ost obscurely, yet most powerfully, there was the conch (Golding 22). Showing us not only the power the conch really possesses, but also showing us that the boys are aware that electing a leader is the only way for things to work out. Ralph even gives the boys the idea of voting and freedom by raising the conch and saying they have to have a chief to decide things (Golding 11). This shows his intuitive thought of law and order; a main trait of democracy, where the boys have the opportunity of choices. It is decided later on that whoever holds the conch in their meetings has the right to speak, and everyone has to listen (Golding 33). Giving not only the conch power but also giving the boys the power to be heard; Thus, the conch is what made the island a civilized society from the start. Considering the rule was enforced by Ralph and Piggy, it told us that from the start he tried to preserve the civilized living principle, that we were granted in humanity (Golding 22). By having this conch it is representing the order and law in their island, because o f the right they are offered from this conch which of course, is freedom of speech. In William Goldings epic, Lord of the Flies, the guiltless young boy named Jack has started to change into the enemy of the story. He paints on an undermining red and white face thickly striped with charcoal that connects backwards right ear to left of his jaw, and when he sees his reflection he begins to laughing forebodingly around a pool of water (Golding 63-64). Jack sees the impression of himself in this manner in the pool and changed absolutely. His dubious side was at present coordinating all his reason and strategy for thinking. Despite how Jacks age isnt clearly imparted all through the novel, it is shown that he is a standout amongst the most settled among the get-together of youthful colleagues on the island and is around the age of twelve or thirteen. This prompts the conviction that Jacks presentation of confirmation inside this front of war paint is a trademark one. Golding contends that individuals are on a very basic level of savagery, when drawn toward delight and brutality; they will have effectively figured out how to make flourishing civic establishments for a great number of years. So that discredits Goldings hypothesis about human instinct being savage, correct? Not exactly. Golding goes on to make a comparable contention; he delineates progress as a cloak that through its guidelines and laws veils the wickedness inside each person. So even while civic establishments flourish, they are simply concealing the monster. They have not annihilated it. The nonexistent monster that scares all the young men represents the basic intuition of brutality that exists inside every person. The young boys fear the beastie, however just Simon achieves the acknowledgment that the fear the monster since it exists inside every one of them. As the young men develop increasingly savage, their confidence in the monster becomes more grounded. At the end of the novel, the young men are abandoning it forfeits and regarding it as a totemic god. The young mens conduct is the thing that brings the beastie into reality, so the more brutally the kids act, the more genuine the monster appears to turn into. The young men turn intothe monster when they murder Simon. Golding portrays the savages conduct as creature like; the savages dropped their lances (mans instrument) and shouted, struck, piece, tore. There were no words, and no developments yet the tearing of teeth and paws (Golding 153). This depiction is fundamentally the same as Sam and Erics portrayal of the brute on the mountain. The Beast is a danger, be it envisioned or genuine, to the general public that has been shaped on the island and is treated all things considered by every one of the characters with the exception of Simon. This danger is at initial a unifier of the young men and after that separates them, all looking for security in the clan and its military power. Jack is the controller here, he utilizes the Beast as a method for picking up and looking after power, utilizing the Beast also to the purposeful publicity of authoritarian states. So the mammoth can be viewed as an instrument whereby Jack keeps up his capacity, a portrayal everything being equal and a method for imparting trepidation and regard in the people. With regards to the book, whenever took a gander at generally, the Beast is the danger from Soviet Russia utilized by governments to control their kin and increment military spending or correspondingly any promulgation utilized by any legislature to undermine majority rules system. Likewise, Simon acknowledges there is no monster and says perhaps its solitary us (Golding 155). This shows how Simon understands the murkiness of mans heart influences every one of us. Throughout the novel, Ralph does many things that represents his leadership over having a civilized society. One of the most astonishing approaches he takes is when all the boys build the shelters. As the elected leader, Ralph is shown to be altruistic as he quickly thinks of the groups safety before his. Ralph knows to maintain civilization, and overcome their fear, they would have to have something they can feel safe in and call it home. This is seen when Ralph gave the feeling of hope to the boys, when he talks about the queens maps. It gave the assembly of boys a sense of safety by his words and the respect towards him (Golding 29). Bestowing even more legitimate power to Ralph. Without the feeling of hope that Ralph gave to the boys, the island would have formed in utter chaos; Furthermore, building the shelters didnt just provide safety, but it also created the bond with each other; and that is teamwork. Its where everybody felt the need to participate, showing us that leadership and order is needed to maintain a civilized society; Therefore, Ralphs authority over his legitimate power is what kept the island civilized and secure from the start. Regardless of Ralphs altruism and positive expectations, he encounters many obstacles at a young age through respectfulness, which uncover his inborn crude nature. Although Ralph is imperfect like the rest of humankind, he is depicted as a moderately empathetic leader, who is a defender of civilization and wishes to build up an organized, agreeable life on the island where a great possibilities of the boys being rescued is present.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Skills Summary On The Financial Service Industry - 1214 Words

Skills Summary: ââ€"  Experience in the Financial Service industry, including: investment banking, lending services, title and escrow ââ€"  Excellent written and oral communication skills with the ability to rate and categorize risk ratings in a clear and concise manner ââ€"  Comprehensive knowledge of RESPA/TILA,HMDA, all agencies/ investor guidelines, including, FNMA, FHLMC, FHA, USDA, and VA ââ€"  Knowledge of DU, and LP underwriting procedures of loans ââ€"  Ability to review audit documentation, perform analysis, validate and document potential risk to determine course of appropriate corrective action and/or make recommendations of such action ââ€"  Familiar with Conforming Nonconforming Loans, Arms, and Jumbo Loans ââ€"  Underwriting experience, and Quality Control review/audit experience of mortgage loans and the ability to analyze risk as it relates to investment quality loans ââ€"  Experienced with government-insured loan sites and all regulations ââ€"  Familiar with proprietary mortgage-processing software ââ€"  Proficient in investor programs, software, and internal systems: QCIQ, BOX, Prime Alliance, DNA, MS, Salesforce, Radar, Streamline, Onbase, DME/DMC, LPS, Clara, LIV, MetaStor, Fidelity, MSP, Fastrieve, Flight Path, RBJ, ACaps, Plant Computer DataTrace, Web Direct, Director, Planet Press, Process Mgmt., Guild, and DocNet ââ€"  Adept at all Microsoft Office applications including MS Word, Excel, Access, and Outlook Work Experience: QC Auditor, UHS America, Contractor Santa Ana, CAShow MoreRelatedThe Food Truck Call Irie Naymins1614 Words   |  7 PagesExecutive summary As an immigrant from the Island of Jamaica finding lunch was a constant struggle since there was not any Jamaican food available in the financial district. 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Information System Issues Oz Supermarket Chain Company†Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Information System Issues Oz Supermarket . Answer: Oz Supermarket Oz Supermarket provides many things which are required for day to day life activities and also it has all the necessary household products that are required. Along with all these things, the company is well equipped with technology and uses some ground breaking technologies that is aimed to help the common people to a great extent. The technology that is used by the company is aimed to reduce the queues and this will also help the people to wait less when it comes to payment system. Technology used in the company In the field of technology, Oz Supermarket is quite technologically sound as it uses some of the technologies which are quite advanced. In respect to any supermarket, it is quite ahead of its time. Oz Supermarket have installed this technology only to reduce the queues that generally happen while customers are leaving and while they are at the counter. Their main motto is to encourage the users to come into the store and grab whatever they want and leave the store with their belongings. Till this day, many supermarkets accept cash in their counter as their primary source of income and Oz supermarket has eradicated that idea. They have installed something called PayWaveTechnology where the user needs to just wave the card in front of the door and the user can gain access into the market (Swift Piff, 2014). The card that they wave is then registered from which the money gets automatically deducted after they have finished their shopping. The company has also installed the RIFD or Radio Frequency Identification which is basically chipped into every single trolley. All the products have bar codes with them and when a product is picked and put into the trolley, due to the barcode present on the side of the product, the RIFD feature recognizes this bar code and generates the amount for that particular product which gets queued up in the counter alongside the users name (Fan et al., 2014). When the item is removed from the trolley, the amount that has been queued will be automatically deducted from the total. The main advantage of using this feature is to reduce the time that is taken while making the total for each customer by going through each and every product. By this there is no queue in front of the counter as the total sum that is generated is then deducted from the card that they used to gain their entry into the store. By this the customers need not to wait in front of the counter to pay for their products. To counterpart the problems with the PayWaveTechnology that is the users who do not have cards, the company issues them a temporary card with some minimum balance in it. For users to avail this facility, they need to deposit some cash which will be credited directly into their card. By this way, PayWave card can be used by them to shop in the supermarket. After they have finished their shopping, they can exit from the store just like other customers. Whatever the remaining balance that is left off from the card after the shopping is completed, is either recorded in balance or the remaining amount is given back to the customers in the form of money. However, if the amount exceeds than the credited one, an alarm will ring which will notify the officials that the user is out of credit and the user cannot shop anything more. In order to continue, they need to refill their card again and they can continue. Every product is tagged with RIFD chips which help them to identify all the products out of the rest and this also avoids confusion. The trolley is so strategically built that users can get a detailed view of their products and also can see the price of the total products that they have taken (Fan et al., 2014). Another area where the store has used their technology is the Car parking area where every car is allowed to be parked for a limited time period when the peak season comes and the car parking is charged with time. In non-peak seasons, the car parking rates are quite low and for the disabled the parking is free. Recommendations Storing the details of the users: Company should consider opting for Big Bata where they can store all the details about their users. By doing so they can know what kind of customers are visiting regularly and what products are they buying and by doing so they can provide some offer on these products so that this will attract more and more customers from all around (Haraguchi et al., 2016). Storing the details will also help them analyze the market what they search for specifically. Giving offers and Rewarding points: Company should also try to give offers to these users by which they will be more motivated to shop in there. Reward points will also help them to shop more and more as they can get discounted price on their total amount which will surely make them happy. The offers will be directly credited in their cards and this will encourage others to use cards more and more as by this they can avail the offers (Parks, Olson, Bokor, 2015). Once in a month they should consider giving heavy discounts on their products so that they shop more and more. Advancing the technology: The RIFD or Radio Frequency Identification that has been used by the company incurs extra overheads that are when multiple products are selected at a random, it becomes quite difficult for the machine to calculate the price. Due to this the total sum at the end may vary which could be fatal for the supermarket (Fan et al., 2014). In order to avoid this from happening, the RIFD should be connected with the Big Data which will help them to calculate the price at a much faster rate Improving the customer services From the above case study, the company can improve their customer services by reaching out to more and more people. In doing so, they can send them messages in their phones or email them about the offers that they will provide. Every customer should be treated individually and the offers that the company is offering should be tempting and should be different for each user in order to make them feel special. The offer should come after doing a full analysis on the customer and also should have a close look at what they are buying the most. By doing so they will be more encouraged to go there and buy those products (Schaper et al., 2014). Also the company should often do a survey by calling their regular customers once in a month and get their feedback about how to improve their shopping experience. The company should also share their success stories with people so that they can also know more about the company and the company should try to praise their customers for their wonderful co ntribution. By this they can make their customers feel more special. Suggestions for improving Business Operations The Offering: The Company should seriously consider what they are offering to their customers as a business cannot sustain for long if the offering itself is hollow from deep down. The company should see what the customers value the most and also to see how to make their shopping experience more enjoyable as these are the customers who will compare one company with some other company only if they can provide better customer service. The officials should be clear about the offerings that they are providing to their customers. The supermarket should opt to stay open for longer hours as there might be any state of emergency when there is an urgent need of something. By this they are building trust among the customers who can later rely on them. The supermarket should also consider selling their products at a discounted rate so that more and more users gets attracted towards it and also the supermarket should increase their product range so that users need not to go to different stores f or different items when they can get all under one roof (Fernando, 2015). Another important aspect that they should consider is to being friendly with their customers. They should be able to resolve any query that is raised by the user then and there and giving them solutions for their query. They should also give offers that are exclusive to the users based on their preferences so that they do more shopping there. The shopping environment should be made clean and any dispute among the users should be taken care of gently. In order to so, the best way is to survey the customers and learning more about their behaviors. Feedback Forms: Feedback forms are very useful for any company to gather information from the customers because in this way the organization can get to know more about their customers and their needs. In this type of forms, the company creates a form with a series of questions and users are asked to give their ratings and views on these. These forms can be either distributed physically or even online. The users need to fill in some of their personal information so that the organization can provide more to that user for which they are not satisfied. The ratings and views that are given by the users are very important as by this they can come to know what users thing about them (Payne Frow, 2013). Product quality review: Product quality review is very important for any organization as customers always look for the best product as they are paying a sum for these. If the products are not up to the mark, the customers will switch to some other source were it is available. So in order to satisfy the customers, Oz supermarket should make sure that their product are up to the quality and the products that they are giving are not something that is damaged or expired (Goetsch Davis, 2014). The officials should so a regular check on these products to find any flaws and if any found, the item should be removed as soon as possible. Conclusion Oz supermarket is quite advanced and is ahead of its time when it comes to technology. They did something which is really beneficial for any customers as by this they do not have to stand in the long queues not outside nor counter. But they should do more so that more customers come and they should try to install the Big Data which could boost their business as with Big Data they can analyze data within minutes and they can also get to know more about the market as well as their customers. They should also try to conduct some surveys which can help them to know more about their customers and their needs and by knowing all these; they can improve their customer feedback. They should try to maintain good relationship with the customers and try to offer them tempting offers which will encourage them to shop more there. The organization should also take customers feedback seriously and work accordingly. References Fan, T. J., Chang, X. Y., Gu, C. H., Yi, J. J., Deng, S. (2014). 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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Persuasive Cause and Effect Essay Topics

Persuasive Cause and Effect Essay TopicsWriting a persuasive cause and effect essay requires that you create a world in which there is no such thing as coincidence. Therefore, it is important to look for interesting and engaging topics. This may mean looking outside of your standard topic of sports, work, and family, but the idea is to find one that is interesting and informative and will engage your reader.The first thing to do is research what sort of topics you can write a persuasive cause and effect essay on. Do not be overwhelmed by this list. This list is simply a starting point. As you look for interesting topic ideas, look for topics that seem similar to your topic.You can also look for topics that are well-known things. People love to talk about famous people and famous events. If you can, try to get a subject that is close to the heart or interest of your readers.For example, if you're writing a cause and effect on life insurance, look for topics that are things that you kn ow are common knowledge. This could include topics like your relationship with your parents. Of course, the topic should be a topic that readers would be interested in.When you start your persuasive cause and effect essay, it's important to take your time. Consider what issues you want to address and then think about how you can address them. For example, your topics may include aging, relationships, anger, football, NASCAR, drinking, how people feel about gambling, and the value of trust.Your goal with your persuasive cause and effect essay is to get people to see that you have an argument that makes sense to them. When writing your essay, consider a wide variety of factors. The entire essay is an argument, so if you can help your reader see why something seems right, then that is a victory.Sometimes it's useful to read your persuasive cause and effect essay in front of a blank piece of paper. That way, you can work on your own and figure out what you think should be there and what you'd like to change. In addition, you can make notes about the topic as you go along, which is often helpful.Overall, a persuasive cause and effect essay are a great way to help change the world. If you've always had trouble being persuasive, take a look at some great topics that can be persuasive.